As a small business, you know you will not get very far without a web presence. A website is essential, but it’s just as essential that people want to stay and engage with you – that means responsive design, navigability and great visuals – and inevitably, that means video. Here are a few ways you can effectively use small business videos both affordably and effectively.
As An Introduction
Search engine statistics show that video is more effective than your landing page at introducing your business or service. When video is a website option, most people will choose to watch your “About Us” video than read the page. You will still need text for SEO purposes, but the presence of a video increases the likelihood of engagement, which increases the likelihood that they will stay on your website and consequently – the likelihood of increased sales. Your goal is to grab their attention and video is the best way to do that.Below is a sample of an introduction video:
Customer Testimonials
A powerful way to engage potential customers is to hear what actual customers are saying about your business. This provides real-world stories that future customers can connect with. A well-structured and well-produced customer testimonial can effectively connect with people looking for your product or service. Below is a sample of a customer testimonial:
Instructional Videos
Whereas your introduction and outreach videos should tell your potential customers what you are about and present your sales pitch respectively, demonstration videos should go into greater detail. Strike a balance between showing them the benefits of the product and answering any questions they might have – these are the two groups who will watch this type of video. This is an essential if you are selling technology; people want to see it working. Below is a sample of an instructional video:
Squeeze Page Video
Squeeze pages are very popular for businesses; effectively, they act as a call to action encouraging customers to sign up for product updates, email newsletters or otherwise subscribe to other customer outreach programs. They permit two-way conversations between business and consumer, especially when you allow the customer to offer feedback. Video is an effective way of doing this. Below is a sample of a squeeze page video:
Small business videos are a powerful way to engage customers and educate them about your product or service. At Top Pup Media, we help small businesses find that compelling story to tell and produce it with high production value.