Facebook is now a serious contender to YouTube in the video marketing arena. So, learning to improve your Facebook watch time is an essential step for marketing your business videos. Viewers now require shorter videos that seize their immediate attention. Some must do so in as little as 6 seconds, but 15 seconds remains the norm. Last year, Facebook introduced video streaming service “Facebook Watch”. Going forward, this will be the backbone of advertising across the site. We understand that 48% of video views on Facebook now come from direct sharing. That’s a lot of untapped marketing potential and businesses should pay due attention to Watch Time statistics. There are several ways to increase watch time. Native Uploading An independent…
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This year, all everybody seems to want to talk about video-wise is 3D and 360 degree videos. However, these technologies are not the only video marketing trends for 2018. Some of the following are just as exciting, if not more so. Video Ad “Snacking” In 2017, YouTube hailed the birth of the super-short video. Following a 47% surge in ad revenue, Facebook discovered that the shorter the video, the better than engagement. It’s not uncommon for video commercials to last just 6-30 seconds now. What’s more, Social Media Examiner found user attention to video ads dropped after just 6 seconds. Shorter, punchier advertising will define 2018. We even discussed in a blog article the necessity of capturing a viewer’s attention…
2017 was undoubtedly the year of VR (Virtual Reality). Affordability of headsets coupled with streaming video guarantees its growth in the consumer market for some time. It also means a world of opportunities for those who rely on video marketing to convey their message. Virtual Reality Video is a small part of what we do at Top Pup Media, but it has great potential for some brands. Over the coming years, it is going to change how we sell products and services. Immersive User Experience Despite being a great medium, at present most video advertising is passive – the viewer observes. This has been the issue with video since the dawn of the moving image. But virtual reality immerses the…
Despite websites packed with images and text pages, video content represents over 95% of viewed material on the internet. It’s a powerful medium for businesses of all sizes; without it, you are potentially hindering your business’ marketing efforts whether you use it for commercials, marketing or campaign promotions. Yet this desire for more engagement through video has tempted many businesses to bypass professional video production and go at it alone. DIY videos are fraught with many problems, and here’s why. Art Over Science When producing any business video, it’s easy to get carried away with such elements as design, effects and visuals. While these things are important, far too often we see that amateur video producers ignore the “science” of…
Having a good, quality video that sums up your business, product or service is never enough. Top Pup Media can deliver the video message you want, but the real work is in how to market and promote your video content. We know how effective video can be for marketing. However, without an effective video marketing strategy, you could be wasting time, effort and money. Here are some steps to building an effective video marketing strategy. What: Ask Yourself What You Are Trying to Achieve You should already have a comprehensive answer from before Top Pup Media begins producing your video. The question of what you want to achieve should be an ongoing issue of your promotion, and should weave through all your creative decisions…
Facebook has grown to be much more than just a social media platform – it has become an excellent marketing platform by finding new and innovative ways to reach business users. For years, the measure of success on Facebook has been engagement – clicks, comments, reviews and likes. Facebook’s dwell time metric could change all of that and finally provide the breakthrough marketers have wanted for years. What is Dwell Time? Marketers have talked about dwell time for years, but so far it has been immeasurable – losing potentially key information about how Facebook users interact with content. Simply, it measures the amount of time a user hovers over something. This may not seem like much, but some users deliberate on whether or…
Every video tells a story. And, every story has a structure: a beginning, middle and end. Business videos are no different from a book or a movie when broken down like this. When we put together a business video, we will clarify and communicate your key message into this structure. Here are the three essential steps on how to structure your business video. The Introduction: The Customer’s Pain Points A great introduction introduces the problem and then introduces your organization as the solution provider. Every story starts with a hook in the form of a succinct or attractive opening line. The equivalent of a great opening line for business video is to address the problems of your potential audience and to…
What Should Go in a Video Call to Action? Customers have certain expectations from social media marketing today. One of these expectations is that promotional material should sign off with something called a “Call to Action”. This is just as important for videos as it is for sales pages, blog posts and email marketing. Here, we present a list of the elements that go in an effective video call to action. The Hook The most popular type of hook is “FOMO” or “Fear of Missing Out” designed to drive customers to buy your product or service before it’s too late. With FOMO, the intention is to instil the necessity for a quick and hasty reaction to buy. Other types of…
In the world of internet marketing, businesses of all sizes are always looking for the next method to reach their audience. Facebook and YouTube have been a great way of reaching out to customers with video, but content slips down a timeline quickly. Competition for attention in the form of likes and shares is fierce. There is one potential answer to social media saturation in Instagram. It’s All About Images and Videos We know that images and videos are powerful marketing content so the next natural step is to use a platform that shares only that type of content. Videos are especially powerful, representing less than 5% of content on the web but over 95% of viewed content. On Instagram,…
In the world of advertising media, content is king. Using a chessboard analogy, we could argue “Exposure is Queen”. She is the most powerful piece on the board. You could win without her, but it makes it monumentally difficult. No matter how well thought out, planned and recorded your video campaign is, if it is not being seen by the right people then it could be a wasted campaign. Here are some tips on how to get YouTube to recommend your video. The Power of YouTube Recommendations According to web statistics, 40% of viewed YouTube content is a result of recommendations from the platform. This powerful medium comes in three basic forms. Suggested videos from the creator Videos by other…