Watching a video that shows no real emotion is like eating cake without icing—it lacks flavor and taste. It won’t leave an impression on people. No lasting memory of the story. An effective video tells a compelling story that engages its audience at an emotional level; if it doesn’t make people think, smile, or even get angry, then you’ve wasted your investment. Learn to tell a compelling story.Start by identifying the kind of story you want to tell. Is it a documentary, narrative, or an interview? This will guide you in deciding how you want your audience to feel after watching the video. Know what kind of emotions you want to provoke, and develop a storyline that can trigger those emotions.Genuine, raw emotion is powerful. Show people laughing, dancing, cheering, and even crying in your video—capture life at its best. Don’t drown your viewers with facts and figures. Keep in mind that honest emotions create more impact than charts, PDFs, and tables.Get people emotional. Make them go “A-ha!” Make them cry, or mad—do what you can to get the reaction you want. Keep in mind that emotion activates the brain 3,000 times faster than regular thought! Consumers pay 200% more when decisions are based on emotions.If applicable, use mystery to tell your story. Audiences enjoy figuring things out without being spoon-fed the details. Mystery can be used effectively to engage certain audiences, and create a sense of resolve and viewer empowerment when the mystery is solved.Make the story unique, interesting, and entertaining. Take your viewers on a journey. Timeless stories never get old. Introduce characters that people can easily relate to, allowing them to connect at a personal level. If possible, give your audience a hero. Hero stories are the foundation of most Hollywood movies, because people want someone to look up to and someone to rescue them.