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20 Dec: Top Trends in Corporate Video Production for 2023

Here are our top trends in corporate video production for 2023 and how they can improve your business and marketing strategies. Interactive video As technology advances, it’s becoming easier for companies to create videos that allow viewers to interact with the content. This can include choosing different paths through a video, making decisions that affect the outcome, or even participating in polls and surveys. Interactive video allows companies to engage with their audiences in a more meaningful way. Artificial intelligence (AI) AI can be used to analyze data and make recommendations for how to optimize a video, such as which shots to use, what music to include, and how to structure the story. AI can also be used to generate…

10 Dec: Storytelling in Corporate Videos

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used to connect with an audience and engage them in a way that simple facts and figures cannot. This is especially true when it comes to corporate videos. By incorporating good storytelling into your corporate videos, you can effectively convey your message, inspire your audience, and ultimately drive your business forward. There are several reasons why good storytelling is important in corporate videos, especially when posting them on YouTube. First and foremost, it helps to engage your audience and hold their attention. A well-told story can captivate an audience and make them feel invested in the content of your video. This can be especially important for corporate videos, which can often be…

26 Jun: How Quality Video Can Improve Your Brand

Cloud storage and always on connectivity has made it easier than ever for small businesses to create and distribute video content. With SnapChat, Instagram and Facebook stories, everybody is creating video and reaching out further and faster. It’s a fact — video can improve your brand! A report in 2017 predicted that video content would account for 80% of all searches by 2019. So far, the prediction has come true. More than ever before, customers demand video. However, there are many reasons why businesses should proceed with caution when creating their own videos to save on cost. There may be a place for self-shot video, but your content strategy should require high-quality production. It’s Good for Search Engine Optimization Search…

20 Jun: How to use YouTube Analytics to improve your Outreach

Now that you have your professional video, what next? If you are like most businesses, YouTube is likely the main outlets you use to reach out to your intended audience. However, to ensure it achieves what you need it to achieve, it does not stop with posting. You need a continuous process of monitoring. Thankfully, the parent company Google has introduced a useful monitoring tool to help you understand how and if your video content works. It’s called YouTube Analytics. What Will YouTube Analytics Show? YouTube Analytics, when used effectively, can help you develop an outreach strategy for your video content. New tools and functions are added all the time but generally focus on a few key information types such…

05 Jun: Video for Lead Generation and Conversion

There is no doubt that visual media, once a luxury for businesses operating on the web, is vital to a content marketing strategy. Instagram, SnapChat and other social media platforms are using video as a business tool. The changes made to Facebook such as Stories and Watch (their video content platform) means users expect more visual content, and it isn’t just photos, illustration and infographics. If 2019 will be remembered for anything, it will be as a year of video. More businesses are using video for lead generation and directing ad resources to YouTube than ever before. 2019 Marketing Stats There are many reasons for the increase in business videos. Technology makes it both cost effective and viable as a…

22 May: Essential 2019 Video Marketing Strategies

You have a high-quality promotional video from Top Pup Media. What happens next is, of course, entirely up to you in how and where you choose to market it. With a variety of 2019 video marketing strategies, there are far more platforms on which to show your video than the three choices that businesses were limited to just five years ago: YouTube, Vimeo, and your business website. The platform you choose to promote your promotional video depends on what you hope to achieve with your content. Every business needs a long-term strategy if the video content is to deliver the required results. Perceive Video as Integral Using video as the all-powerful in 2019 means changing the mindset about video marketing….

17 Nov: Upload

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